Long live Hank and his Hunniez and the members of the "Drinking/Lemontree cab".....and the awesome folks in Group A and B!!! 6th/10th floors of Chien Tan/Ocean....hey you "whacked" people..... and to the Counselors, I miss you guys.
Kai Shek memorial with counselor Nina.
we are on the big bad bus to Shing Ming Ding. Two words describes Taiwanese
bus drivers: NO FEAR
At the New Orleans
Jazz Pub near NTU....nice place with a nice waitress.
Ah yes, smoking
some stoogies at the New York New York Jazz Pub. Just chillin' out on our
last night out in Taiwan.
Alcohol was EXPENSIVE!!!
So what did we do? Buy the cheapest crap we can get. So where did we go?
Answer: 7-eleven!! And what is a baragain you will find there? Answer:
Chinese Vodka!! Hank is demonstrating his fondness for it here.
Here's me wailing
away at some Tarcy song at Cashbox KTV. Other memorable highlights: Baron
singing that Snowman song and Jacky Cheung songs that everybody knew.
First night of freedom!!
Most folks to it easy and went out before bedcheck, but some of the brave
souls here decided that a prison breakout from Chien Tan was more fun.
Dinner at some cafe
near NTU.
Overlooking the CKC
Baron, the counselor
mack . Enough said.
Me and the Taiwan
A happy moment on
the last night of the trip down South.